Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Travel (to the) moon

All the stars have aligned: a sight that hasn't coincided for almost 400 years has occurred tonight--a full lunar eclipse during winter solstice.

Image via Travelmoon

What would Travelmoon be without an aptly named post where we virtually travel to the moon on such a celestial occasion?


  1. I thought the sun looked weird today! Can I see that in Israel too? The sun looked like a huge ball in the sky (moon shaped) and was definitely noticeable. I didn't even know about the solstice, darn!

  2. I think it was only visible in North America, but I am not quite sure! It was definitely an amazing sight to behold!

  3. It was to cloudy and I didn't get to see it! I am a sad panda!

  4. I heard you have been getting some crazy weather out there...

  5. I gave up before even setting the alarm because the weather has been soooo horrible! Awesome picture Kate!
